



不过目前注册经常出现验证问题,例如:“缺少 noCAPTCHA 用户回复码或该码无效。”

如果出现上面的情况,大家可以通过使用国外手机号,同时清除cookie和cached images and files,保证浏览器IP稳定,或者国内注册,然后科学上网打开全局再登陆账号。


1. 如果一个平台想注册多个账号可以使用浏览器网页版注册。

2. 个人信息和简介:联系方式多一些,公司的主要业务简单介绍。[注意放在最醒目的地方]Linkedin的简介里也可以简单介绍公司业务。

3. 使用稳定的全局代理式科学上网,解决节点问题;长远来看,为了保持IP、设备稳定,不要随意切换节点。建议可以单独配备一个手机用来登陆海外的一些社媒账号;不能在科学上网后的网络环境里登录使用领英,容易造成IP异地异国不固定。

4. LinkedIn的个人新号注册需要没有使用过的公司手机号,一个新邮箱;新账号注册好之后,补全个人信息,修改头像。尽量每天保持登录,即使不操作。

5. 某一个时间段内,快速高频的进行了某一项或者多项的操作。例如频繁的访问其他用户LinkedIn个人主页链接查看其资料,快速复制粘贴同样内容的消息去添加好友,快速复制粘贴同样内容的消息发给自己的LinkedIn好友等。

6. 不要切换不同的终端设备或浏览器登录登录使用LinkedIn。

7. 不要同时在电脑端LinkedIn和手机端LinkedIn APP上进行各类功能操作。

8. LinkedIn公司主页建立要求:首先需要创建个人账号;同时个人账号创建需超过24h,需要至少10个人脉(新号不能主动搜索加人)

9. 头像使用真人的照片,尽量不用明星照。养号期间每天修改主页/个人档案资料不能太频繁;不能频繁或大量删除领英好友

10. 前期可以每天加一两个好友,一周发一篇生活照片的帖子,发帖子时 @加的好友和别人形成互动关系,便于系统识别是个真实的个人账号

11. 两周后账号较稳定时可以每天加几个好友,几个小组放着。一个月后可以试着发产品的帖子,但不要太多,控制频率。


1、如果账号已经受限了,可按照要求进行身份验证(使用 Persona 验证身份)按照提示上传ID证明,然后等待解封。



Reference 1:

Dear Sirs,

My Linkedin Account Has Been Deactivated without any prior warning is not acceptable at all.

I have been using the service for a while now in a proper manner without sending any spam messages nor any unsolicited and inappropriate messages.

And with that said, you have managed to stop my account without prior notice.

Kindly take my case into consideration and get me exception from the Top Management.

My phone number is “+86 ****”.

Thanks for your understanding and friendly help.


Reference 2:

Subject: Request for Account Review and Unban – Caught in a Login Restriction Loop Preventing Appeal

Dear LinkedIn Customer Service Team,

Have a nice day!

I registered for a Linkedin account using my email (….), with the name(…)

Unfortunately, my network is unstable, my account was unexpectedly banned. I attempted to appeal this decision using the channels provided by Linkedin, only to find myself in a predicament: due to a restriction on logging in, I am unable to access my account to file an appeal and that prevents me from using the standard channels to have my account reinstated. I am confident that I have not violated any of Linkedin’s policies or terms of use. I value this platform highly and wish to connect with other professionals in my industry through it, Therefore I earnestly request that your team re-examines the status of my account and guides me on howto bypass the login restriction to submit my appeal, or directly assist me in resolving this account ban. I assure you that once my account is restored, I will adhere strictly to all of LinkedIn’s terms of use and community guidelines.

If my account was mistakenly banned, or if there are any issues that can be resolved through communication, I am willing to take all necessary steps to rectify the situation.

Thank you very much for taking the time to address my request, I look forward to your reply and hope for a swift resolution to this distressing, issue. Should you require any additional information please feel free to contact me via my email.

我是Grace liu,致力于品牌出海,日常分享海外社媒运营经验和相关资源,欢迎留言交流~

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